January 29, 2010

A note about our house search

My previous post made me realize that we should share a peculiar thing we like to do with the houses. At least the ones we like. We give each of them a nickname. Usually only E & I know about this nickname, a detail that our REA finds incredibly confusing.

Here are the nicknames so far:

1. The Colonial: For the house in Bethel Park we liked so much, but sold before we made up our minds. It is a colonial.
2. The Rock House: For the house in South Park we put an offer in. The owner had a rock collection and traveled to craft and hobby shows to sell his rocks.
3. The Twilight House: For the Cape Cod in Pleasant Hills. One of the rooms was home to a teenage girl who was in love with Edward Cullen. This house also is known as Night Vision Goggles, since there was a pair of them in the boys' room (a souvenir from the Modern Warfare Collector's Edition).
4. The Ranch: Our current interest. It is a ranch.

I always think it is a good sign when we start referring to a house with a nickname. It means we like it.

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